Your Property Success Club
Support - Celebration - Sharing The Success
Proven Training From Australia’s Most Trusted Expert
How Your Property Success Club Works

Discover how the The Trid3nt Strategy® framework effortlessly accelerates your property investing by leveraging the three fundamental pillars.
Learn to invest ‘actively’ to build a lifelong portfolio in the minimum number of steps.

Join the premier peer-to-peer learning platform in Australia.
Get your questions answered, take part in other peoples projects, share your stories and learn from your fellow Your Property Success Club members.

We have your back. Our monthly ‘office hours’ mentor calls provide you with all of the answers and guidance necessary to dramatically improve your investing.

Introducing Your Property Success Club
Your Property Success Club is much more than a community and training, it’s a property investment language and framework that you can use to actively build your portfolio rapidly and effectively.
We believe this is extremely important. Here's why:
Many Australians (in fact over 1.6 million) choose to invest in the Australian property market. However, for the overwhelming majority of these people, the goal of building a property portfolio just doesn't happen...
In fact, out of all the Australians who invest in property, less than 2% own more than 1 investment property.
Let me repeat that:
Less than 2% of Australian investors own more than 1 Investment property (so forget about a portfolio).
That’s a staggering statistic and one which highlights an even deeper underlying problem.
The majority of people investing today are doing it completely wrong...
In fact, often they are missing some of the most basic fundamentals and I believe this is overwhelmingly due to a minefield of hype and misinformation.

A little over 15 years ago I navigated through the exact same minefield and despite this I have gone on to build a successful portfolio by developing a simple 3 step methodology. This simple methodology now provides the framework for this community and training.
Your Property Success Club arms you with a common language and powerful methodology that everybody can share, improve on and use to build a fantastic property portfolio with the minimum possible number of steps.
All Proceeds Go To Kids Helpline
When you join Your Property Success Club 100% of your membership fee goes to Kids Helpline.

Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Since 1991, Australia’s kids and young people have been turning to our professional, specialised counsellors, no matter who they are, where they live or what they want to talk about.
Over this time, we have responded to over 8 million contacts. For some young people, connecting with Kids Helpline has been a life-saving experience, while for others it’s about practical help and emotional support at the critical moment they need someone to listen.
A lot has changed in 28 years.
Our communities have changed, the issues kids face have changed, and the ways our counsellors engage with and help young people have changed.
What hasn’t changed is that Kids Helpline makes a difference to the emotional wellbeing and lives of our kids every single day — ensuring young people know they are not alone.

Kids Helpline's service is for the community, funded by the community.
Kids Helpline costs around $11 million a year to operate. 79% of this comes from the community, with the primary source of income being funds raised through the yourtown Prize Home Art Union.

We are more than just a club
We are here for you
This year has been completely unexpected. Recent events, like the bush fires or COVID-19 may have made you feel everything from stress and overwhelm, anxiety, worry, fear, sadness, racing thoughts, fatigue, irritability, anger, frustration, restlessness and agitation.
So to support my community in staying positive during this difficult time…
And to help each of us be like an eagle, and use the negative energy of this storm to fly even higher…
I rallied together an amazing group of my clients, students and network to help you keep mentally and physically tough over the coming weeks and months...
And created an event called YPS Live - Helping Our Community Thrive Not Just Survive!
You can access all the recordings once you become a member of the Your Property Success Club

...And many more!
Watch a Quick Video Tour of Our Training & Community
Your Property Success Club has many unique features (explained in the video on the right). One of its biggest features is the 12 in-depth video training modules.
These video training modules share with you the most important techniques and tools that I have used on my path to building a multi million dollar property portfolio over the past 15 years...
I will outline for you a simple step by step, no-nonsense path for you to grow your portfolio yourself, using The Trid3nt Strategy®, a no-nonsense low risk method that can really fast track your investing.
This training is for people new to property investing and for those who wish to accelerate the growth of a portfolio by using an active property investment strategy that has been proven to work over and over again. Using this simple methodology you will avoid the common mistakes that so many people make without even knowing it....
The result is an incredible resource of knowledge and experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Little wonder why Your Property Success Club is now one of the highest rated communities online in Australia.
Watch the video below to get a full tour and see some additional highlights and features.
Australia’s Best Property Investors In One Place
Peer-to-Peer Learning At It’s Very Best
The depth of talent and experience within Your Property Success Club will be obvious the minute you join. However what’s most remarkable about the spirit of this community is the openness and willingness to share and learn from others. We have worked hard to attract the right people into Your Property Success Club, those who are generous with their knowledge, patient and most of all enjoy sharing and contributing as part of a community.
Because no matter how good the training is, learning in isolation simply lacks the depth and immersion that comes from growing together and sharing what you've learned.
With Your Property Success Club you can interact, connect, share your stories and learn from your fellow members. Plus interact with your hosts, Jane and John from within the private facebook group and on the monthly Q&A Mentor Calls. When you join Your Property Success Club, you’ll also immediately get access to all incredible back catalogue of past Q&A Mentor Calls (several years worth).

Got an important property question or hurdle you are facing?
Want a fresh perspective to help make an informed and intelligent decision?
We have your back.
Dedicated monthly calls to answer all your questions:

Property Reviews & Feedback

Renovation Questions Answered

Finance Questions Answered
As a member of Your Property Success Club you will have exclusive access to our monthly ‘Office Hours’ Q&A Mentor Calls.
In these calls we’ll tackle your toughest questions and provide the guidance necessary for you to move forward. If you can’t make it live, simply submit your question via email or voice message in advance and catch the MP3 replay for the answer...
PLUS you will have access to the incredible back catalogue
of past Q&A Mentor Calls (several years worth).

Who This Community Is NOT For
We need to be upfront here, this community is not for everyone.
This community is NOT for you if you:
- Think you have “seen it all before”.
- Have a negative attitude towards life or other people.
- Often find yourself in arguments online
- Express anti social views, intolerance, prejudice or racism
- Criticise or demean other people's points of view, comments or questions
- Think you know it all and there is nothing that Jane and John could possibly teach you.
- Or if you judge all successful people with money negatively.
Please note: For those not meeting our community code of conduct (found here) or we simply deem not be an appropriate fit for our community, we reserve the right to cancel memberships at any time.
Who This Training IS for
This community IS for you if you:
- Willing to generously share what you have learnt with others and play an active role in the community
- Have an open mind and are willing to do the work necessary to build real wealth through property (You just need to follow the plan)
- Ready to take action now and you're past the excuses and procrastination
If the above is you then you are a perfect fit for Your Property Success Club!
We have worked hard to build this incredible community of investors and attract the right people... because of this you won't find anything like it anywhere else.
What Can Your Property Success Club Do For You?
This immersive online training and community has helped property investors across Australia and we’d love to work with you, too.
Who Are The Architects Behind Your Property Success Club?
Jane Slack-Smith, the author of Your Property Success with Renovation: 2 properties, 1 renovation, $1 million in the bank, started her career as a mining engineer.
She was one of the first women to enter the male domain of underground coal mining and despite a tough start, went on to become an explosives expert.
Jane has been recognised with multiple honours and awards for her pioneering contribution to the industry, including been profiled in the ABC's Australian Story TV program.
It was the challenges and discipline of explosives engineering that originally set her on the path to developing her property investment methodology called The Trid3nt Strategy®.
Today Jane and her husband Todd now own eight investment properties, and have just completed their seventh renovation.
Jane is passionate about helping everyday Australians achieve financial freedom through accelerated, low-risk, investment in property.

Jane Slack-Smith
The co-creator of Your Property Success Club is renovator and property developer John Hubbard.
John’s extensive building knowledge of over 25 years adds a hands-on and practical dimension to the monthly Q&A Mentor Calls and video training.
After working as a tradesmen for 11 years John embarked on a new career in video production which included television commercials, education and training. For the past 6 years John has been working full-time as a renovator and property developer.
At Your Property Success, John’s combined passion for property, production and technology has come together in the unique delivery of Your Property Success Club.
John’s goal is to raise the bar of online training and adult education by interactively incorporating the latest technology and software.

John Hubbard
Grow Your Portfolio With Your Property Success Club

Whether you're buying your very first investment property and want to make sure you get it right, or you want take your existing portfolio to bold new heights, Your Property Success Club can help.
We’ll fast-track your growth and save you years of expensive trial and error.
What You'll Learn In This Training
Video 1: Uncovering Australia’s Property Hotspots
Topic: Location Due Diligence & The Ripple Effect
How To Content: Dot Map Tutorial
This module is all about the holy grail of property investing... location!!!
We discusses the undeniable benefits of taking the time to strategically search out top performing suburbs before your purchase.
You would learn about the fundamental elements that drive suburb to grow fast and see first hand the suburbs to avoid. Jane also shares an amazing exercise called the Dotmap!
In this module we also cover how to systematically identify the telltale signs that an area is about to boom and how to ride “the ripple effect” to outperform the market.
Video: How to Uncover Australia’s top Performing Suburbs (42:30)
Video 2 : Renovation: The Active Strategy for Serious Profits
Topic: Active Renovation For Profit Strategies
How To Content: How to build a portfolio with strategic renovation and where to add value to a property.
Are you relying on the market to improve for your equity in your property? Why, when you can create your own gains?
In this module, we will talk about strategic renovation. This is one of the single most effective ways to build a property portfolio quickly and if done correctly, can put an end to all the arguments about positive cash flow vs capital growth.
Instead of patiently waiting around waiting for the market to improve the equity of your property, you can be actively increasing the value of the property from the very start by renovating strategically. Plus it is a lot of fun too!
Video: The Power of Strategic Renovation (53:09)
Video 3 : How To Build and Grow a Portfolio Quickly
Topic: Building a Portfolio - Finance included
How To Content: How To Develop Your Goals and Strategy
In this module, we discuss the life blood of property investment... finance or capital.
It’s other people’s money. The key here is that we’re not using our own money but we’re leveraging other people’s money, the banks money.
And we’re reaping the rewards of the return on investment by choosing the right investment property.
I will show you exactly how building a property portfolio works and along the way you will see how I built my own property portfolio. I will also give you some real examples and numbers so you can see it in practice and I’m also going to talk you through the finance process that I use with my clients.
This module is all about the mechanics of buying an investment property and then how to use the equity in one property to buy the next investment property and the one after that.
Video: Building A Property Portfolio Without Using Your Savings (47:45)
Video 4 : Negotiations
Topic: Negotiation and securing an offer
How To Content: Tips and Tricks and tools for negotiating and the different sale types.
Discover the most powerful and effective ways to negotiate your way to profits and avoid paying too much for a property.
This is one of our most popular modules - the feedback on some of these auction techniques is hilarious! Have you ever walked away from purchasing something and you had that feeling that you may have paid too much?
Many successful investors are good negotiators, because it’s very important that you avoid paying too much for a property. Instead of thinking of negotiation as been argumentative, think about it as the necessary process for both parties to walk away feeling like they have arrived at a good deal!
The real skill in negotiation is finding out what the buyer really wants or needs (as it may not be only price) ... this then leads to a win-win outcome, one where you get the property you want, for the price you want to pay and also ensure the clauses in your offer give you a distinct advantage over other buyers.
Video: The Power of Negotiation (42:47)
Video 5 : Engaging a Property Manager
Topic: How to make sure your property is being managed correctly
How To Content: Tips for appointing the right property manager.
So is paying for a property manager even worth it? Or can you do a better job yourself?
In this module you'll discover how to manage an investment for the highest return and avoid attracting problem tenants!
It’s very important that your investment property is managed effectively, otherwise you could run the risk of months of vacancies, property damage and even worse squatters!
Video: How To Manage an Investment Property (33:53)
Video 6 : Flipping – Buying, Renovating, Selling.
Topic: Flipping for lump sum profits
How To Content: Selecting the property, renovating and preparing the property for sale.
In this module we cover the very popular ‘renovate to sell’ strategy!!! Also known as Flipping.. We cover structural renovations and renovation twists, what areas are best for flipping, financing a renovation project and selling the property for the highest price.
I will also bust some of the Renovate to sell myths, these are the facts about flipping that the TV shows and big seminars will never tell you!
And I will show you what it takes to really do it profitably...
Video: How to Flip Properties for Profit (51:36)
Video 7 : Paid Tools for Suburb Due Diligence
Topic: Powerful tools to research quickly and effectively
How To Content: Software tutorials including: Residex Predictions Reports, Ripehouse, Corelogic RP Data Professional
Often people ask me: “what property software should I use?”
So today, I'm going show you the most powerful tools in my toolkit and I'm just going to zero in on the most important things that we consider as property investors. These are powerful software tools and reports that I use to do my research more effectively and quickly.
I’m using exactly the same principles from previous module, but now combining them with the power of computer software to make the process faster and easier…
Video: Powerful Tools to Research Quickly and Effectively (1:10:22)
Video 8 : Choosing the Right Property
Topic: Case Studies - How to Select the right property
How To Content: Live appraisals of potential investment properties on the market
Learning the theory is great, however it is through applying it over and over again, on real properties, is what will give you practice and confidence...
So that’s exactly what we are going to do today…
I will be doing live appraisals of potential investment properties using nothing but free tools available online and will give you a wide selection of different properties and strategies.
These are all properties that people have asked me to look at and evaluate…
Video: Case Studies: How to Select the Right Property Part 1 (54:13)
Video 9 : Top Questions
Topic: Case Studies - How to Select the Right Property Part 2
How To Content: Live appraisals of potential investment properties with Buyer’s Agent Karen Young
In this module, we'll continue applying what we've learnt throughout Your Property Success Club. Today I will be using the full arsenal of tools available to us property investors, both free and paid software.
And what’s extra special about today's module... is that I also have an expert guest...
Yes today we are joined by buyer's agent and host of the Everyday Property Investing Podcast, Karen Young!
So a very valuable and unique module as we start to bring it all together and honing our skills as property investors...
Video: Case Studies: How To Select The Right Property Part 2 (01:11:46)
Video 10 : Bringing It All Together for Success
Topic: A complete review all of previous lessons starting from Module 1
This module is where we bring it all together, as we revisit all that we have covered over the last 10 training modules.
We will re-examine it, look at it with fresh eyes and translate it into the present and future. This is all about how will you now apply what you have learnt in next 1 year, 5 years, 10 years and beyond!
Video: Bringing It All Together (38:03)
Feedback From Other Members Of The Club
“I feel more empowered because I now know I can do this.”
We migrated here 9 years ago, so it’s not like we know Sydney very well or the area or the history behind the suburbs right? Having the knowledge of where to get gives me power.
I would definitely recommend Your Property Success Club. I think it’s really affordable and what she is teaching is genuine, it’s actually tools that I know how to use straightaway.”
“Spending $100 compared to making a $50,000 mistake... That’s very easy to weigh up in my opinion.”
It’s very doable and the guidance is there as well.
I guess my information was all over the place, I didn’t know where to start and now from watching Jane and John’s modules, learning everything about the property, what your strategy is, how you are going in and what you are expecting out of it before you even look at a property on domain…
And it’s not just information, but also the community. I just jumped onto facebook and just seeing people chat on there, I’m going to be on there as much as possible.
“I was very impressed with the content and the delivery. Wonderful.”
Anyone can follow it and be successful.
Jane’s just taken it to the next level, and I just sat there going “Uhm I thought I knew what I was doing…
I would definitely recommend this to my friends and colleagues, you can save yourself a lot of headache and time and wasted time.
“It’s a great idea and I think the price is right.”
I’ve got five properties and I’ve actually learned lots of things.
I think the main thing with the Your Property Success club is that it’s helping you focus, it’s helping you to determine the strategies best for you and I think if you’re starting off that’s really important.
“This is it, I think you guys have done a fantastic job.”
I’m an experienced and I got lot out of all three sessions. It’s education that appeals to the beginners and the more experienced, it covers all and doesn't just cater to one or the other. I would say for first time investor, you can’t get much better than that.
We’ve Got Your Back:
Over-The-Top Customer Support
Our over-the-top customer service ensures you get the very best experience with this community and training. We constantly receive wonderful feedback about our support staff and are very proud of the culture that we have fostered here at Your Property Success.
Know that you can always reach us via email directly at or call 1300 96 36 46 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm).

On top of that, enjoy peace of mind with our Your Property Success Triple Guarantee
- Results — We deliver the highest level of training that delivers amazing results.
- Quality — Your Property Success is known for Over-The-Top Customer Service, Delivery and Learning Experience.
- You’re Safe — this means you can enroll in this course and get full digital access instantly and you have the freedom to cancel anytime if it does not meet your expectations. Just follow these simple steps here.

Diana Smith
Customer Happiness Manager
Join Your Property Success Club
Club Features
10 Video Modules
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
Monthly Live Q&A Calls
Checklist Resources & Templates
Weekly Digest & Updates
Frequently Asked Questions
You sure can! And we even have the audio from the videos so you can listen to the trainings anywhere at any time.
The short answer is no...
If you DO already own a property, then that’s great! This training will provide invaluable information on how to add substantial value to your property.
If you DON’T have a property yet – or even if you are a year or more away from purchasing a property – this training is still for you.
This training will empower you with the knowledge of how to find the right suburb and the right property for your budget. It then shows you the methods that I have used to build a multimillion dollar property portfolio.
This training is all about evidence-based decision making that is already resulting in real profits with our students.
Your Property Success Club is designed to take someone with no prior experience and give them the knowledge to take on their first investment with confidence.
Great care has been taken in selecting the subject matter for this training so that information is presented in a clear and simple step-by-step manner.
The single biggest piece of feedback that we get from students who have completed the course is CONFIDENCE.