Where your focus goes energy flows… what are you focusing on?

About the author
Jane Slack-Smith has been named one of the Top 10 Property Experts in Australia by Money Magazine, one of the Top 4 Financial Influencers by Qantas and been awarded the Australia’s Mortgage Broker of the Year twice.
The last week has been frustrating for me. I have had clients, people I admire and even friends, either cancel meetings, postpone chats or just ghost me as they were ‘watching the election’.
Those who I did catch-up with started the conversation with ‘what do you think about the election?’
Some were even getting really angry about the results.
I have to admit I only have capacity to concentrate on the things I can control. The US election is not one of them.
This was actually a topic I covered in a recent quarterly catch-up for my mentoring clients.
We let too many things we can’t control worry us and cause us stress.
If 2020 has shown us anything it has shown us we have limited things we can control.
… and I believe it comes down to one thing…
what we think
But I am not immune to being distracted.
I was watching the Bledisloe Cup on the weekend and I caught myself getting worked up and yelling at the TV. As if my words were somehow going to influence a play, a refs decision or somehow psych out the opposition.
Let’s face it, I knew my words were not going to influence the state of play. So why was I giving it so much attention, energy and getting so anxious? Like all those getting so involved in the US election?
I realised the game was just a bit of fun.
It was a chance to interact, laugh and play with my husband and son (firm All Black supporters).
I am not ‘into’ rugby normally. The truth is that the Wallabies were not going to win the Cup, this final game was not a decider, but as my husband put it ‘it is for you guys to restore your pride’
…let’s face it not many teams get to beat the All Blacks…(don’t let my husband know I said that, I will deny it)
… and last week the Wallabies had a crushing defeat – so they tell me – I wouldn’t know as I was enjoying my first night out after hard lockdown
… so the outcome either way was not going to allow the Aussies to win The Bledisloe Cup. But they didn’t give up!
Once I just observed what was obvious, ie it was just a bit of fun I could just ‘go with it’, enjoy it and not let every play stress me….then I really started having fun… Mind you a win was nice to see – go Wallabies!
What can you control?
I speak to so many people each week who are worrying or stressed about things they can’t control. Don’t get me wrong I am all for planning, and understanding the risks ahead but I also know that there are only so many things we can control and how you think is one of the most important.
So this week, if you catch yourself getting worked up about something ask yourself…’is this in my control?” …. if it isn’t then just observe that realisation and then consider how you will react to the situation.
What are you going to give your time and energy too?
Something to Think About
Maybe a distraction will help?
Here are a few things I can control and can offer you:-
1. The 1st chapter of “Your Property Success, 2 properties, 1 Renovation, 1 Million in the Bank”, is all about goals and getting it right, by applying my Tride3nt Strategy ®. Just click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Psst… The link to the all the Bonus material you normally only get with the purchase of the book but the link is actually shared in that first chapter – just saying…
2. Two weeks ago I opened the Secret Vault ..it is only available for another day so you can watch my Ultimate Guide To Renovation video series, in binge-watching-style, … and then it will be goooonnnne…
3. There is also the “Thrive Just not Survive” series – and if that is not enough, go back to my website where I have included lots more including the Vault and see what else is there to distract you from things you can’t control. In the Thrive Series you can check out the interviews with nutritionist, mindset coaches, qi-gong practitioner, an interior decorator, digital nomad, even a personal stylist teaching how to DIY your wardrobe!
When I felt things were out of control in April this year this was one way I felt I could make a contribution and do something. By putting on this Series AND together we have raise over $13,352 for Kids Help Line – you can still contribute and still get access to my Your Property Success Club course by donation to this worthy and very needy charity. Just click here
Maybe it is time to just play or do something different…
- I have been doing free courses throughout this pandemic (and lots of paid ones too). In my opinion, this is where you can find some of the best training’s. I did a course through Copenhagen Business School on neuromarketing. It blew me away and taught me more about how we think and how what we think we think is actually being manipulated by advertising, the news and even our perception of our past experiences. Go check out what some of the worlds most amazing universities are available for you, maybe even an opportunity for a career change!
- Dolly Parton reads books – seriously what is there not to love and “The Little Engine That Could’ is a book everyone should re-read, or have Dolly read to you 😉
- When the pandemic put my Festival of 50 travel plans on hold I just loved travelling the world with google maps – Petra in Jordan was incredible and I had never even heard of it before!
- Finally sometimes you just need a bit of uplifting music to accompany you through life so thank you Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for streaming online – the once or twice I jumped in I loved it!
- And finally, who doesn’t love animals? This site gives you links to live streaming of zoos around the world – so good!!
So there you have it – if you need distractions to the things that are creating stress for you and things you realise you can’t control then you have lots of options.
This week just observe where you put your energy, ask yourself what you can control and maybe even just do something different and see where that leads..
As always here is to Your Property Success
P.S. I am working on something special so stay tuned next week. After all if I can’t have my Festival of 50 as I planned in 2020, sharing time and experiences with my friends and family…as well as having a great party… then I am going to share with you guys…watch this space